Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- beck , branch , brook , burn , course , creek , current , drift , flood , flow , freshet , race , rill , rindle , rivulet , run , runnel , rush , spate , spritz , surge , tide , torrent , tributary , watercoursenotes:a stream is smaller than a river , a creek is smaller than a stream but larger than a brook ; stream , and rivulet are applied interchangeably to any small river , flux , arroyo , effluent , flume , influx , river , tendency
- cascade , continue , course , emerge , emit , flood , glide , gush , issue , move past , pour , roll , run , shed , sluice , spill , spout , spritz , spurt , surgenotes:a stream is smaller than a river , a creek is smaller than a stream but larger than a brook ; stream , brook , creek , and rivulet are applied interchangeably to any small river , circulate , rush , surge , well , bourn , bourne , burn , channel , current , drift , effluent , flow , flume , flux , jet , race , radiate , rill , river , rivulet , runlet , runnel , speed , succession , water , watercourse
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