• Stow

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object)

    Nautical .
    to put (cargo, provisions, etc.) in the places intended for them.
    to put (sails, spars, gear, etc.) in the proper place or condition when not in use.
    to put in a place or receptacle, as for storage or reserve; pack
    He stowed the potatoes in our cellar.
    to fill (a place or receptacle) by packing
    to stow a carton with books.
    to have or afford room for; hold.
    Slang . to stop; break off
    Stow it! Stow the talk!
    to put away, as in a safe or convenient place (often fol. by away ).
    to lodge or quarter. ?

    Verb phrase

    stow away, to conceal oneself aboard a ship or other conveyance in order to obtain free transportation or to elude pursuers.


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