Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used without object)
Law .
- the enjoyment of property, as by the employment, occupation, or exercise of it.
- the benefit or profit of lands and tenements in the possession of another who simply holds them for the beneficiary.
- the equitable ownership of land to which the legal title is in another's name.
have no use for
- to have no occasion or need for
- She appears to have no use for the city.
- to refuse to tolerate; discount
- He had no use for his brother.
- to have a distaste for; dislike
- He has no use for dictators.
make use of
- to use for one's own purposes; employ
- Charitable organizations will make use of your old furniture and clothing.
- account , adoption , advantage , appliance , applicability , appropriateness , avail , benefit , call , capitalization , cause , convenience , custom , end , exercise , exercising , exertion , fitness , good , habit , handling , help , helpfulness , mileage , mobilization , necessity , need , object , occasion , operation , point , practice , profit , purpose , reason , relevance , service , serviceability , treatment , usability , usage , usefulness , utility , value , way , wear and tear * , wont , worthnotes:the difference between use and usage consists primarily in the fact that the former has a specific , the latter a general sense , application , employment , implementation , play , utilization , consuetude , habitude , manner , praxis , usance , deployment , disposition , efficacy , exercitation , exploitation , feasibility , functionality , mores , prescription , tradition
- accept , adopt , apply , avail oneself of , bestow , bring into play * , bring to bear * , capitalize , control , do with , draw on , employ , exercise , exert , exhaust , expend , exploit , find a use , govern , handle , make do with , make the most of , make use , manage , manipulate , operate , play on , ply , practice , press into service , put forth * , put into action , put to use , put to work , regulate , relate , run , run through , set in motion , spend , take advantage of * , turn to account , utilize , waste , wield , worknotes:the difference between use and usage consists primarily in the fact that the former has a specific , the latter a general sense , actuate , implement , work , impose , presume , accustom , advantage , application , avail , behave toward , benefit , capitalize on , consume , consumption , custom , demand , deplete , devour , duty , employment , familiarize , function , gain , good , guide , habit , habituate , handling , hire , impoverish , incur , inure , mileage , need , occupy , parlay , privilege , squander , treat , treatment , try , utility , value , wont , worth
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