Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- confuse , derange , disarrange , disorder , disorganize , disperse , disturb , mix up , scatter , not plan
- align , array , class , classify , clear the decks , dispose , file , fix up , form , group , line up , methodize , organize , police , police up , position , put in good shape , put in order , put to rights , range , rank , regulate , sort , spruce , spruce up , systematize , tidy , whip into shape , adapt , adjust , agree to , blueprint , chart , come to terms , compromise , concert , construct , contrive , decide , design , determine , devise , direct , draft , establish , frame * , get act together , get ready , hammer out a deal , harmonize , iron out * , lay out , make a connection , make ready , manage , map out , negotiate , prepare , project , promote , provide , pull a wire , pull things together , quarterback , resolve , schedule , scheme , set stage , settle , shape up , tailor , work out , work out a deal , instrument , orchestrate , score , deploy , marshal , order , blend , coordinate , integrate , synthesize , unify , conclude , fix , set , dispose of , aline , alphabetize , catalog , catalogue , categorize , codify , collate , collocate , compartmentalize , concinnate , correlate , edit , improvise , mobilize , plan , prearrange , predetermine , premeditate , seriate , tabulate
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