Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Verb phrases
hold back,
- to restrain or check
- Police held back the crowd.
- to retain possession of; keep back
- He held back ten dollars.
- to refrain from revealing; withhold
- to hold back information.
- to refrain from participating or engaging in some activity
- He held back from joining in the singing because he felt depressed.
- Photography . dodge (def. 2).
hold down,
- to restrain; check
- Hold down that noise!
- to continue to hold and manage well
- She held down that job for years.
hold forth,
- to extend or offer; propose.
- to talk at great length; harangue
- When we left, he was still holding forth on World War II.
hold in,
- to restrain; check; curb.
- to contain oneself; exercise restraint
- He was raging inside, but held himself in for fear of saying something he would regret.
hold off,
- to keep at a distance; resist; repel.
- to postpone action; defer
- If you hold off applying for a passport, you may not get one in time.
hold on,
- to keep a firm grip on.
- to keep going; continue.
- to maintain, as one's opinion or position.
- to stop; halt (usually used imperatively)
- Hold on now! That isn't what I meant at all.
- to keep a telephone connection open by not hanging up the receiver
- The operator asked us to hold on while the number we'd dialed was being checked.
hold out,
- to present; offer.
- to stretch forth; extend
- Hold out your hand.
- to continue to exist; last
- Will the food hold out?
- to refuse to yield or submit
- The defenders held out for weeks.
- to withhold something expected or due
- He was suspected of holding out information important to the case.
hold over,
- to keep for future consideration or action; postpone.
- to remain in possession or in office beyond the regular term.
- to remain beyond the arranged period
- The movie was held over for a week.
- Music . to prolong (a tone) from one measure to the next.
hold up,
- to offer; give
- She held up his father as an example to follow.
- to present to notice; expose
- to hold someone up to ridicule.
- to hinder; delay
- The plane's departure was held up because of the storm.
- to stop by force in order to rob.
- to support; uphold
- to hold up farm prices.
- to stop; halt
- They held up at the gate.
- to maintain one's position or condition; endure
- They held up through all their troubles.
- authority , clasp , clench , clinch , clout , clutch , control , dominance , dominion , grip , influence , occupancy , occupation , ownership , pull , purchase , retention , sway , tenacity , tenure
- adhere , arrest , bind , bottle up , carry , catch , check , cherish , clasp , cleave , clench , clinch , cling , clutch , confine , contain , cork up , cradle , detain , embrace , enclose , enjoy , fondle , freeze to , grip , handle , hang on , have , hug , imprison , keep , keep close , keep out , lock up , maintain , not let go , nourish , occupy , own , palm , possess , press , put a lock on , restrain , retain , secure , seize , squeeze , stay put , stick , take , trammel , vise , wield , withhold , wring , assume , aver , bet bottom dollar , buy * , consider , credit , cross one’s heart , deem , entertain , esteem , feel , have hunch , have sneaking suspicion , judge , lap up , lay money on , okay , presume , reckon , regard , sense , set store by , swear by , swear up and down , take as gospel truth , take stock in , think , view , apply , be in effect , be in force , be the case , be valid , exist , have bearing , hold good , hold true , last , operate , persevere , persist , remain , remain true , resist , stand up , stay , stay staunch , wear , bear , bolster , brace , buttress , lock , prop , shore up , shoulder , sustain , underpin , uphold , accommodate , be equipped for , comprise , include , seat , assemble , call , carry on , celebrate , convene , officiate , preside , run , solemnize , enfold , catch up , enthrall , fascinate , mesmerize , rivet , spellbind , transfix , hold back , keep back , reserve , boast , bit , brake , bridle , constrain , curb , hold down , hold in , inhibit , pull in , rein , opine , affirm , allege , argue , asseverate , avouch , avow , claim , contend , declare , say , state
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