Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- accepted , accustomed , afoot , circulating , common knowledge , customary , cutting-edge , doing , existent , extant , fad , fashionable , general , going around , hot * , in , in circulation , in progress , instant , in the mainstream , in the news , in use , in vogue , leading-edge , mod * , modern , now * , on front burner , ongoing , popular , present , present-day , prevailing , prevalent , rampant , regnant , rife , ruling , state-of-the-art , swinging , topical , trendy , up-to-date , widespread , au courant , mod , up-to-the-minute , contemporary , existing , new , now , predominant , coetaneous , coeval , contemporaneous
- course , draught , drift , ebb and flow , flood , flux , jet , juice , progression , river , run , rush , spate , stream , tidal motion , tide , surge , accepted , common , contemporaneity , contemporary , counter , customary , draft , electricity , flow , general , instant , latest , living , mainstream , modern , modernity , motion , moving , now , ongoing , popular , present , prevailing , prevalence , prevalent , rapid , recent , rife , running , topical , topicality , torrent , trend , trendy , usual
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