Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Photography .
- Also called film speed. the sensitivity of a film or paper to light, measured by an ASA or DIN index, which assigns low numbers to slow film and higher numbers to faster film.
- Also called shutter speed. the length of time a shutter is opened to expose film.
- the largest opening at which a lens can be used.
Verb (used without object)
- acceleration , activity , agility , alacrity , breeze , briskness , celerity , clip , dispatch , eagerness , expedition , fleetness , gait , haste , headway , hurry , hustle , legerity , lick , liveliness , momentum , pace , precipitancy , precipitation , promptitude , promptness , quickness , rapidity , rapidness , readiness , rush , rustle , snap , steam , swiftness , urgency , velocitynotes:speed is the distance an object travels during a unit of time; velocity is the distance an object travels in a specified direction during a unit of time , tempo , velocity , expeditiousness , speediness , deftness , impetuosity , posthaste , vector
- advance , aid , assist , barrel , belt , bomb , boost , bowl over , career , cover ground * , cut along , dispatch , expedite , facilitate , flash , fly , further , gallop , gather momentum , gear up , get a move on , get moving , get under way , go all out , go fast , go like the wind , hasten , help , hightail , hurry , impel , lose no time , make haste , open up throttle , press on , promote , quicken , race , ride , run , rush , sail , spring , step on it , tear , urge , whiz , zoomnotes:speed is the distance an object travels during a unit of time; velocity is the distance an object travels in a specified direction during a unit of time , accelerate , hustle , step up , bolt , bucket , bustle , dart , dash , festinate , fleet , flit , haste , pelt , rocket , scoot , scour , shoot , sprint , trot , whirl , whisk , wing , zip , zoom , alacrity , briskness , celerity , clip , fare , favor , hie , informed , knot , pace , precipitate , propel , prosper , quickness , rapidity , rate , rip , swiftness , tempo , urgency , velocity
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