Navigation . (of a ship) the component of the movement that is due to the force of wind and currents.
Oceanography . a broad, shallow ocean current that advances at the rate of 10 to 15 mi. (16 to 24 km) a day.
Nautical .
- the flow or the speed in knots of an ocean current.
- the distance between the end of a rope and the part in use.
- the distance between two blocks in a tackle.
- the difference in diameter between two parts, one of which fits within the other, as a mast and its mast hoops, or a treenail and its hole.
Electronics .
- a gradual change in some operating characteristic of a circuit, tube, or other electronic device, either during a brief period as an effect of warming up or during a long period as an effect of continued use.
- the movement of charge carriers in a semiconductor due to the influence of an applied voltage.
Machinery .
- Also called driftpin. a round, tapering piece of steel for enlarging holes in metal, or for bringing holes in line to receive rivets or bolts.
- a flat, tapered piece of steel used to drive tools with tapered shanks, as drill bits, from their holders.
- alluvion , bank , batch , bunch , bundle , clump , cluster , deposit , heap , hill , lot , mass , mound , mountain , parcel , pile , set , shock , stack , aim , design , direction , end , gist , implication , import , intention , object , progress , progression , purport , scope , significance , tendency , tenor , agglomeration , cumulus , mess , tumble , current , flood , flux , rush , spate , stream , surge , tide , amount , burden , substance , intent , meaning
- accumulate , aim , amass , amble , be carried along , coast , dance , draw near , flicker , flit , flitter , float , flow , flutter , gad * , gallivant * , gather , go-that-a-way , go with the tide , gravitate , hover , kick around * , linger , malinger , meander , mosey * , muck * , ride , sail , saunter , scud , skim , slide , stray , stroll , tend , waft , wander , wash * , gad , gallivant , peregrinate , ramble , range , roam , traipse , bank , hill , lump , mound , pile , stack , accumulation , bat around , cluster , course , design , deviation , dune , flock , gist , intention , meaning , mosey , purport , scheme , tendency , tenor , tide , trend
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