Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- atom , butt , chicken feed * , chip , chunk , crumb , dab , dash , division , dollop , dose , dot , driblet , droplet , end , excerpt , flake , fraction , fragment , grain , iota , item , jot , lick * , lump , mite , modicum , moiety , molecule , morsel , niggle , parcel , part , particle , peanuts , pinch , portion , sample , scale , scintilla , scrap , section , segment , shard , share , shaving , shred , slice , sliver , smidgen , snatch , snip , snippet , specimen , speck , splinter , sprinkling , stub , stump , taste , tittle , trace , tricklenotes:a bit is a single unit of computer information and a byte is a sequence of adjacent bits , usually eight , operated on as a unit by a computer , instant , jiffy , little while , minute , moment , second , space , spell , stretch , tick , whilenotes:a bit is a single unit of computer information and a byte is a sequence of adjacent bits , 0 , 1 , binary digit , binary unit , datanotes:a bit is a single unit of computer information and a byte is a sequence of adjacent bits , dram , drop , minim , ort , ounce , scruple , trifle , whit , mouthful , piece , paragraph , squib , story , time , while , routine* , brake , bridle , leash , restraint , snaffle , ace , bite , blade , check , curb , drill , granule , hair , minimum , morceau , mote , pittance , quanta , quantity , smack , snap , splice , tad , tincture , tinge , tool , vestige , wee
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