Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
to squeeze or compress between the finger and thumb, the teeth, the jaws of an instrument, or the like.
Horticulture . to remove or shorten (buds or shoots) in order to produce a certain shape of the plant, improve the quality of the bloom or fruit, or increase the development of buds (often fol. by out, off, or back ).
Verb (used without object)
- compression , confinement , contraction , cramp , grasp , grasping , hurt , limitation , nip , nipping , pressure , squeeze , torment , tweak , twinge , bit , dash , drop , jot , mite , small quantity , soupon , speck , splash , splatter , taste , box * , clutch , contingency , crisis , crunch * , difficulty , emergency , exigency , hardship , juncture , necessity , oppression , pass , plight , strait , stress , tight spot , tight squeeze , turning point * , zero hour * , apprehension , seizure , impingement , predicament , twitch , vellication , vicissitude
- chafe , compress , confine , cramp , crush , grasp , hurt , nip , pain , squeeze , tweak , twinge , wrench , wrest , wring , afflict , distress , economize , oppress , pinch pennies , press , scrape , scrimp , skimp , spare , stint , cop * , crib * , filch * , knock off * , lift * , nab * , pilfer , purloin , rob , snatch , swipe , take , apprehend , bust * , collar * , detain , hold , pick up * , pull in * , run in * , take into custody , filch , thieve , seize , constrict , contract , crimp , grab , gripe , impinge , skrimp , snip , straiten , vellicate
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