Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
one of a set of objects, as straws or pebbles, drawn or thrown from a container to decide a question or choice by chance.
- acreage , allotment , apportionment , area , block , clearing , division , field , frontage , parcel , part , patch , percentage , piece , plat , plot , plottage , portion , property , real estate , tract , abundance , aggregate , aggregation , amplitude , assortment , barrel , batch , body , bunch , bundle , circle , clump , cluster , clutch , collection , conglomerate , conglomeration , consignment , crowd , great deal , group , heap , load , mass , mess * , much , multiplicity , number , ocean , oodles , order , pack , pile , plenitude , plenty , push , reams , requisition , scores , set , stack , stacks , allowance , bite , cut , quota , ration , slice , take , accident , break , breaks , chance , circumstance , decree , doom , foreordination , fortune , hand one is dealt , hazard , karma , kismet , moirai , plight , predestination , run of luck , way cookie crumbles , wheel of fortune * , allocation , dole , measure , quantum , share , split , destiny , array , band , bevy , knot , party , breed , cast , description , feather , ilk , manner , mold , nature , sort , species , stamp , stripe , type , variety , mountain , profusion , wealth , world , jillion , million , ream , trillion , quantity , (colloq.) much , amount , fate , land , luck , many
tác giả
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