Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Adjective, vaguer, vaguest.
indefinite or indistinct in nature or character, as ideas or feelings
- a vague premonition of disaster.
not clear or distinct to the sight or any other sense; perceptible or recognizable only in an indefinite way
- ambiguous , amorphous , amphibological , bewildering , bleary , blurred , cloudy , dark , dim , doubtful , dreamlike , dubious , enigmatic , equivocal , faint , fuzzy , generalized , hazy , ill-defined , impalpable , imprecise , indefinite , indeterminate , indistinct , inexplicable , lax , loose , misunderstood , muddy , nebulous , obscure , perplexing , problematic , puzzling , questionable , shadowy , superficial , tenebrous , uncertain , unclear , undetermined , unexplicit , unintelligible , unknown , unsettled , unspecified , unsure , inexplicit , blear , foggy , misty , undistinct , open , undecided , unresolved , abstract , aerial , ambivalent , amphibolic , blurry , confused , cryptic , dreamy , dubitable , elusive , groundless , illdefined , illogical , indecisive , indefinable , intangible , opaque , sketchy , unfixed , vacillating , vague , vaporous
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