• Radius

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Noun, plural -dii

    a straight line extending from the center of a circle or sphere to the circumference or surface
    The radius of a circle is half the diameter.
    the length of such a line.
    any radial or radiating part.
    a circular area having an extent determined by the length of the radius from a given or specified central point
    every house within a radius of 50 miles.
    a field or range of operation or influence.
    extent of possible operation, travel, etc., as under a single supply of fuel
    the flying radius of an airplane.
    Anatomy . the bone of the forearm on the thumb side. Compare ulna ( def. 1 ) .
    Zoology . a corresponding bone in the forelimb of other vertebrates.
    Machinery Now Rare . the throw of an eccentric wheel or cam.
    a rounded corner or edge on a machined or cast piece of metal.
    Entomology . one of the principal longitudinal veins in the anterior portion of the wing of an insect.

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