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    (New page: {|align="right" | __TOC__ |} ==Từ điển thông dụng== ===Ngoại động từ=== =====Trộn, trộn lẫn, pha lẫn, hoà lẫn===== ::to mix a dish of [[salad...)
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    12:46, ngày 16 tháng 11 năm 2007

    /Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện/

    Thông dụng

    Ngoại động từ

    Trộn, trộn lẫn, pha lẫn, hoà lẫn
    to mix a dish of salad
    trộn món rau xà lách
    to mix drugds
    pha thuốc

    Nội động từ

    Hợp vào, lẫn vào, hoà lẫn vào
    ( (thường) + with) dính dáng, giao thiệp, hợp tác
    he doesn't mix well
    anh ấy không khéo giao thiệp
    (từ lóng) thụi nhau tới tấp (quyền Anh)
    Bị lai giống
    to mix up
    trộn đều, hoà đều
    Dính dáng vào
    to be mixed up in an affair
    có dính dáng vào việc gì, có liên can vào việc gì
    Lộn xộn, bối rối, rắc rối
    it is all mixed up in my memory
    tất cả những cái đó lộn xộn trong ký ức
    to be al mixed up
    bối rối vô cùng

    Cơ khí & công trình

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    trộn (hồ)

    Toán & tin

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    hòa trộn

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    hỗn hợp
    nhào trộn
    lồng trộn
    pha trộn

    Nguồn khác

    Kinh tế

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    hỗn hợp
    hợp chất
    pha trộn
    trộn lẫn
    vật hỗn hợp

    Nguồn khác

    • mix : Corporateinformation

    Nguồn khác

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Mingle, combine, intermingle, blend, incorporate, puttogether, merge, unite, alloy, commingle, amalgamate, coalesce:Mix the ingredients to a creamy consistency.
    Socialize,fraternize, consort, hobnob, go round or around or about(together), get together, keep company, join (with), associate(with), Colloq hang out or about or round or around (with): TheHatfields and the McCoys do not mix very well, so youd bestinvite them separately. 3 mix in. add, stir in, combine, foldin: Mix in the chocolate at the very end.
    Mix up. a Seemix, 1, above. b confuse, confound, bewilder, muddle, perplex,puzzle, fluster, upset; addle, disturb; Colloq US and Canadiandiscombobulate: She mixed me up so that I cannot decide what todo. c snarl, ensnarl, tangle, entangle, scramble, jumble: Thetreasures were all mixed up with the rubbish at the church sale.d confuse, interchange, exchange: Have they mixed up our roomkeys again?
    Mix up in. involve, implicate, include, connect,draw or drag into: Wasnt Wilcox mixed up in that scandal lastyear?
    Mix up with. confuse, mistake, misidentify, confound;interchange, exchange: I think you must have me mixed up withsomebody else. The porter mixed up my bag with someone elses.
    Mixture, blend, compound; amalgam, combination, alloy,assortment, distribution: Was this cake made from a mix or fromscratch? The centre party has a good mix of liberals andconservatives.


    V. & n.

    Tr. combine or put together (two or moresubstances or things) so that the constituents of each arediffused among those of the other(s).
    Tr. prepare (acompound, cocktail, etc.) by combining the ingredients.
    Tr.combine an activity etc. with another simultaneously (mixbusiness and pleasure).
    Intr. a join, be mixed, or combine,esp. readily (oil and water will not mix). b be compatible. cbe sociable (must learn to mix).
    Intr. a (foll. by with) (ofa person) be harmonious or sociable with; have regular dealingswith. b (foll. by in) participate in.
    Tr. drink differentkinds of (alcoholic liquor) in close succession.
    A theact or an instance of mixing; a mixture. b the proportion ofmaterials etc. in a mixture.
    Colloq. a group of persons ofdifferent types (social mix).
    The ingredients preparedcommercially for making a cake etc. or for a process such asmaking concrete.
    The merging of film pictures or sound.
    Confuse; mistakethe identity of. mix-up n. a confusion, misunderstanding, ormistake.
    Mixable adj. [back-form. f. MIXED (taken as pastpart.)]

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