• (Khác biệt giữa các bản)
    (/'''<font color="red">Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện</font>'''/)
    Dòng 1: Dòng 1:
    | __TOC__
    =====/'''<font color="red">plɔd</font>'''/=====
    =====/'''<font color="red">plɔd</font>'''/=====
    Dòng 26: Dòng 22:
    ::lê bước đi một quãng đường
    ::lê bước đi một quãng đường
    == Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ==
    ==Chuyên ngành==
    | __TOC__
    === Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ===
    =====Often, plod along. trudge (along), tramp, slog, drag,tread, lumber, labour, Colloq stomp, galumph: We ploddedwearily up the road carrying our heavy packs.=====
    =====Often, plod along. trudge (along), tramp, slog, drag,tread, lumber, labour, Colloq stomp, galumph: We ploddedwearily up the road carrying our heavy packs.=====
    =====Often, plodalong or away. labour, work, drudge, toil, moil, slave (away),grind (away or along), grub (on or along), plug (along or away),Brit peg away (at) or along: Plodding through the compilationof the Oxford Thesaurus, he was only halfway through the letterP.=====
    =====Often, plodalong or away. labour, work, drudge, toil, moil, slave (away),grind (away or along), grub (on or along), plug (along or away),Brit peg away (at) or along: Plodding through the compilationof the Oxford Thesaurus, he was only halfway through the letterP.=====
    === Oxford===
    == Oxford==
    =====V. & n.=====
    ===V. & n.===
    =====V. (plodded, plodding) 1 intr. (often foll. byalong, on, etc.) walk doggedly or laboriously; trudge.=====
    =====V. (plodded, plodding) 1 intr. (often foll. byalong, on, etc.) walk doggedly or laboriously; trudge.=====

    20:14, ngày 7 tháng 7 năm 2008


    Thông dụng

    Danh từ

    Bước đi nặng nề, bước đi khó nhọc
    Công việc khó nhọc

    Nội động từ

    ( + on, along) đi nặng nề, lê bước khó nhọc
    ( + at) làm cần cù, làm cật lực, làm rán sức
    ( + along) di chuyển chậm chạp (trong công việc)
    ( + away) ( at something) làm chắc chắn nhưng chậm (và khó khăn)
    Lê bước đi
    to plod one's way
    lê bước đi một quãng đường

    Chuyên ngành

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh

    Often, plod along. trudge (along), tramp, slog, drag,tread, lumber, labour, Colloq stomp, galumph: We ploddedwearily up the road carrying our heavy packs.
    Often, plodalong or away. labour, work, drudge, toil, moil, slave (away),grind (away or along), grub (on or along), plug (along or away),Brit peg away (at) or along: Plodding through the compilationof the Oxford Thesaurus, he was only halfway through the letterP.


    V. & n.
    V. (plodded, plodding) 1 intr. (often foll. byalong, on, etc.) walk doggedly or laboriously; trudge.
    Intr.(often foll. by at) work slowly and steadily.
    Tr. tread ormake (one's way) laboriously.
    N. the act or a spell ofplodding.
    Plodder n. ploddingly adv. [16th c.: prob. imit.]

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