• Revision as of 04:15, ngày 24 tháng 12 năm 2007 by Ngochung2301 (Thảo luận | đóng góp)
    /Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện/

    Thông dụng

    Tính từ .more; .most

    Nhiều, lắm
    much water
    nhiều nước
    much time
    nhiều thì giờ
    there is so much pleasure in reading
    đọc sách rất thú vị

    Phó từ

    Nhiều, lắm
    I found him much altered
    tôi thấy hắn thay đổi nhiều
    Hầu như
    much of a size
    hầu như cùng một cỡ

    Danh từ

    Nhiều lắm, phần nhiều, phần lớn
    much of what your say is true
    phần lớn những điều anh nói là đúng sự thật
    Coi trọng

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    đáng kể
    gần đúng
    hầu như


    Adj., n., & adv.

    Existing or occurring in a greatquantity (much trouble; not much rain; too much noise).
    (prec. by as, how, that, etc.) with relative rather thandistinctive sense (I don't know how much money you want).
    N.1 a great quantity (much of that is true).
    (prec. by as, how,that, etc.) with relative rather than distinctive sense (we donot need that much).
    (usu. in neg.) a noteworthy oroutstanding example (not much to look at; not much of a party).
    A in a great degree (much to my surprise; is much thesame). b (qualifying a verb or past participle) greatly (theymuch regret the mistake; I was much annoyed). ° Much implies astrong verbal element in the participle, whereas very implies astrong adjectival element: compare the second example above withI was very annoyed. c qualifying a comparative or superlativeadjective (much better; much the most likely).
    For a largepart of one's time (is much away from home).
    Iron. very much.
    Certainly not. not much in it see IN. toomuch colloq. an intolerable situation etc. (that really is toomuch). too much for 1 more than a match for.
    Beyond what isendurable by.
    Muchly adv. joc. [ME f. muchel MICKLE: forloss of el cf. BAD, WENCH]

    Tham khảo chung

    • much : National Weather Service

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