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Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Ownership, title, proprietorship, control, hold, tenure,keeping, care, custody, guardianship, protection: The paintingsare now in my possession.
Holding, territory, province,dominion, colony, protectorate: How long will the FalklandIslands remain a possession of the Crown? 3 possessions.belongings, property, effects, chattels, assets, worldly goods,things: The prison clerk placed all my possessions in anenvelope, explaining that they would be returned when I wasreleased. 4 take or gain possession of. seize, capture, take,conquer, occupy, acquire, win, possess oneself of, secure,obtain; repossess: The raiding party gained possession of theport and surrounding area. The finance company has takenpossession of my car.
Law power or control similar to lawful ownershipbut which may exist separately from it (prosecuted forpossession of narcotic drugs).
Maintaining control over (inpossession of one's wits). in the possession of held or ownedby. possession order an order made by a court directing thatpossession of a property be given to the owner. take possession(often foll. by of) become the owner or possessor (of a thing).
Possessionless adj. [ME f. OF possession or L possessio -onis(as POSSESS)]
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