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Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Metaphysics, epistemology, logic, natural or moral ormetaphysical philosophy, rationalism, thinking, aesthetics: Heviews philosophy as the attempt to describe and codify universaltruths. 2 viewpoint, (point of) view, outlook, opinion,attitude, feeling, sentiment, idea, notion, ideology, (set of)beliefs or values, tenets, Weltanschauung, world-view: Harold'sphilosophy of life is 'Live and let live'.
(pl. -ies) 1 the use of reason and argument in seekingtruth and knowledge of reality, esp. of the causes and nature ofthings and of the principles governing existence, the materialuniverse, perception of physical phenomena, and human behaviour.2 a a particular system or set of beliefs reached by this. b apersonal rule of life.
Serenity; calmness; conduct governed by aparticular philosophy. [ME f. OF filosofie f. L philosophiawisdom f. Gk (as PHILO-, sophos wise)]
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