• Revision as of 11:19, ngày 16 tháng 12 năm 2007 by Nothingtolose (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

    Thông dụng

    Danh từ, số nhiều skies

    Trời, bầu trời
    clear sky
    trời trong
    under the open sky
    ngoài trời
    Cõi tiên, thiêng đường
    ( số nhiều) trời, khí hậu, thời tiết
    under warmer skies
    ở (nơi) khí hậu ấm hơn
    out of a clear sky
    thình lình, không báo trước
    praise somebody/something to the skies
    tán dương lên tận mây xanh
    the sky's the limit
    (thông tục) (tục ngữ) không có giới hạn

    Ngoại động từ .skied, .skyed

    (thể dục,thể thao) đánh (bóng..) vọt lên cao (bóng crickê)

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    bầu trời

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Heaven(s), skies, arch or vault of heaven, firmament,(wild) blue (yonder), ether, Archaic or literary welkin,empyrean, azure: The dour, overcast sky gave the bleak moor achilling sense of foreboding. 2 to the skies. overly,excessively, extravagantly, fulsomely, profusely, inordinately,highly: If I praise him to the skies people will get the ideathat I benefit from his success.


    N. & v.

    N. (pl. skies) (in sing. or pl.) 1 the region ofthe atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth.
    Theweather or climate evidenced by this.

    V.tr. (skies, skied) 1Cricket etc. hit (a ball) high into the air.

    Hang (a picture)high on a wall.
    Sky-blue adj. & n. a bright clear blue.sky-blue pink an imaginary colour. sky-clad sl. naked (esp. inwitchcraft). sky cloth Theatr. a backcloth painted or colouredto represent the sky. sky-high adv. & adj. as if reaching thesky, very high. the sky is the limit there is practically nolimit. sky pilot sl. a clergyman. sky-rocket n. a rocketexploding high in the air.
    V.intr. (-rocketed, -rocketing)(esp. of prices etc.) rise very steeply or rapidly.sky-shouting the sending of messages from an aircraft to theground by means of a loudspeaker. sky-sign an advertisement onthe roof of a building. sky wave a radio wave reflected fromthe ionosphere. sky-writing legible smoke-trails made by anaeroplane esp. for advertising. to the skies very highly;without reserve (praised to the skies). under the open sky outof doors.
    Skyey adj. skyless adj. [ME ski(es) cloud(s) f.ON sk°]

    Tham khảo chung

    • sky : National Weather Service
    • sky : amsglossary
    • sky : Corporateinformation
    • sky : Chlorine Online

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