• Across

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    from one side to the other of
    a bridge across a river.
    on or to the other side of; beyond
    across the sea.
    into contact with; into the presence of, usually by accident
    to come across an old friend; to run across a first edition of Byron.
    crosswise of or transversely to the length of something; athwart
    coats across the bed; straddled across the boundary line.


    from one side to another.
    on the other side
    We'll soon be across.
    crosswise; transversely
    with arms across.
    so as to be understood or learned
    He couldn't get the idea across to the class.
    into a desired or successful state
    to put a business deal across.


    being in a crossed or transverse position; crosswise
    an across pattern of supporting beams.


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