• Noun

    a piece of furniture upon which or within which a person sleeps, rests, or stays when not well.
    the mattress and bedclothes together with the bedstead of a bed.
    the bedstead alone.
    the act of or time for sleeping
    Now for a cup of cocoa and then bed.
    the use of a bed for the night; lodging
    I reserved a bed at the old inn.
    the marital relationship.
    any resting place
    making his bed under a tree.
    something resembling a bed in form or position.
    a piece or area of ground in a garden or lawn in which plants are grown.
    an area in a greenhouse in which plants are grown.
    the plants in such areas.
    the bottom of a lake, river, sea, or other body of water.
    a piece or part forming a foundation or base.
    a layer of rock; a stratum.
    a foundation surface of earth or rock supporting a track, pavement, or the like
    a gravel bed for the roadway.
    Building Trades .
    the underside of a stone, brick, slate, tile, etc., laid in position.
    the upper side of a stone laid in position.
    the layer of mortar in which a brick, stone, etc., is laid.
    the natural stratification of a stone
    a stone laid on bed.
    Furniture . skirt ( def. 6b ) .
    the flat surface in a printing press on which the form of type is laid.
    Transportation . the body or, sometimes, the floor or bottom of a truck or trailer.
    Chemistry . a compact mass of a substance functioning in a reaction as a catalyst or reactant.
    Sports .
    the canvas surface of a trampoline.
    the smooth, wooden floor of a bowling alley.
    the slate surface of a billiard table to which the cloth is fastened.
    Zoology . flesh enveloping the base of a claw, esp. the germinative layer beneath the claw.
    Also called mock , mock mold. Shipbuilding . a shaped steel pattern upon which furnaced plates for the hull of a vessel are hammered to shape.
    bed and board.

    Verb (used with object)

    to provide with a bed.
    to put to bed.
    Horticulture . to plant in or as in a bed.
    to lay flat.
    to place in a bed or layer
    to bed oysters.
    to embed, as in a substance
    bedding the flagstones in concrete.
    to take or accompany to bed for purposes of sexual intercourse.

    Verb (used without object)

    to have sleeping accommodations
    He says we can bed there for the night.
    Geology . to form a compact layer or stratum.
    (of a metal structural part) to lie flat or close against another part.
    Archaic . to go to bed. ?

    Verb phrase

    bed down,
    to make a bed for (a person, animal, etc.).
    to retire to bed
    They put out the fire and decided to bed down for the night.


    get up on the wrong side of the bed
    to be irritable or bad-tempered from the start of a day
    Never try to reason with him when he's gotten up on the wrong side of the bed.
    go to bed
    to retire, esp. for the night.
    to engage in sexual relations.
    go to bed with
    to have sexual intercourse with.
    in bed
    beneath the covers of a bed.
    engaged in sexual intercourse.
    jump or get into bed with, to form a close, often temporary, alliance
    usually with an unlikely ally
    Industry was charged with jumping into bed with labor on the issue.
    make a bed
    to fit a bed with sheets and blankets.
    make one's bed
    to be responsible for one's own actions and their results
    You've made your bednow lie in it.
    put to bed
    to help (a child, invalid, etc.) go to bed.
    Printing . to lock up (forms) in a press in preparation for printing.
    to work on the preparation of (an edition of a newspaper, periodical, etc.) up to the time of going to press.

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