• Bow out

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used without object)

    to bend the knee or body or incline the head, as in reverence, submission, salutation, recognition, or acknowledgment.
    to yield; submit
    to bow to the inevitable.
    to bend or curve downward; stoop
    the pines bowed low.

    Verb (used with object)

    to bend or incline (the knee, body, or head) in worship, submission, respect, civility, agreement, etc.
    He bowed his head to the crowd.
    to cause to submit; subdue; crush.
    to cause to stoop or incline
    Age had bowed his head.
    to express by a bow
    to bow one's thanks.
    to usher (someone) with a bow (usually fol. by in, out, etc.)
    They were bowed in by the footman.
    to cause to bend; make curved or crooked.


    an inclination of the head or body in salutation, assent, thanks, reverence, respect, submission, etc. ?

    Verb phrase

    bow out, to resign a position or withdraw from a job, competition, obligation, etc.
    He bowed out after two terms as governor.


    bow and scrape
    to be excessively polite or deferential.
    make one's bow, to appear publicly for the first time, as a performer, politician
    The young pianist made her bow last night to an appreciative audience.
    take a bow, to step forward or stand up in order to receive recognition, applause
    The conductor had the soloists take a bow.


    opt in

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