Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Phonetics . (of a vowel) articulated with a relatively large opening above the tongue, as the vowels of hat, hut, hot, ought, etc. Compare high ( def. 23 ) .
Automotive . of, pertaining to, or operating at the gear transmission ratio at which the drive shaft moves at the lowest speed with relation to the speed of the engine crankshaft, used esp. for temporarily overcoming the weight or inertia of the vehicle; first
- low gear.
Metallurgy . having a relatively small amount of a specified constituent (usually used in combination)
- low-carbon steel.
- below , beneath , bottom , bottommost , crouched , decumbent , deep , depressed , flat , ground-level , inferior , junior , lesser , level , little , lowering , low-hanging , low-lying , low-set , minor , nether , not high , profound , prostrate , rock-bottom , shallow , small , squat , squatty , stunted , subjacent , subsided , sunken , under , unelevated , cheap , cut , cut-rate , deficient , depleted , economical , inadequate , inexpensive , insignificant , low-grade , marked down , meager , moderate , modest , nominal , paltry , poor , puny , reasonable , scant , second-rate * , shoddy , slashed , sparse , substandard , trifling , uncostly , worthless , abject , base , blue , coarse , common , contemptible , crass , crumby , dastardly , degraded , depraved , despicable , disgraceful , dishonorable , disreputable , gross * , ignoble , ill-bred , inelegant , mean , menial , miserable , nasty , obscene , off-color * , offensive , raw , rough , rude , scrubby , scruffy * , scurvy , servile , sordid , unbecoming , uncouth , undignified , unrefined , unworthy , vile , woebegone , woeful , wretched , baseborn , humble , lowborn , lowly , meek , obscure , plain , plebeian , simple , unpretentious , unwashed , bad , blue * , crestfallen , dejected , despondent , disheartened , down , down and out , downcast , downhearted , down in the dumps , down in the mouth * , dragged , fed up , forlorn , gloomy , glum , in the pits , low-down * , moody , morose , sad , singing the blues , spiritless , unhappy , ailing , debilitated , dizzy , dying , exhausted , faint , feeble , frail , ill , indisposed , poorly , reduced , sick , sickly , sinking , stricken , unwell , weak , gentle , hushed , muffled , muted , quiet , soft , subdued , whispered , dcollet , low-cut , low-neck , low-necked , plunging , lower , minor-league , petty , secondary , subaltern , subordinate , abhorrent , abominable , antipathetic , despisable , detestable , disgusting , foul , infamous , loathsome , lousy , nefarious , obnoxious , odious , repugnant , rotten , shabby , low-down , squalid , desolate , dispirited , dull , dysphoric , heavy-hearted , melancholic , melancholy , tristful , wistful , low-cost , low-priced , alto , bass , contralto , low-pitched , low-key , low-keyed , whispery , deprecative , deprecatory , depreciative , depreciatory , derogative , derogatory , detractive , pejorative , slighting , uncomplimentary , off-color , rocky , bestial , chthonian , crude , cruel , declensional , declinatory , destitute , dirty , filthy , grave , gross , groveling , ignominious , leprous , moo , murmured , plutonian , plutonic , raffish , reptilian , short , slight , subterranean , unethical , unfavorable , vulgar , vulgarian
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