• Drop out

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a small quantity of liquid that falls or is produced in a more or less spherical mass; a liquid globule.
    the quantity of liquid contained in such a globule.
    a very small quantity of liquid
    I'll have a little more tea, just a drop.
    a minute quantity of anything
    not even a drop of mercy.
    Usually, drops.
    liquid medicine given in a dose or form of globules from a medicine dropper.
    a solution for dilating the pupils of the eyes, administered to the eyes in globules by a medicine dropper.
    a limited amount of an alcoholic beverage
    He occasionally takes a drop after dinner.
    an act or instance of dropping; fall; descent.
    the distance or depth to which anything drops
    a ten-foot drop to the ground.
    a steep slope
    a short drop to the lake.
    a decline in amount, degree, quality, value, etc.
    a drop in prices.
    a small, usually spherical, piece of candy; lozenge
    a lemon drop.
    a central depository where items are left or transmitted
    a mail drop.
    a predesignated place where secret letters or packages can be left to be picked up by another person without attracting attention, as in espionage or drug dealing.
    something resembling or likened to a liquid globule, as certain ornaments, a spherical earring, etc.
    a pendant.
    a descent by parachute.
    an instance of dropping supplies by parachute or an amount of supplies so dropped.
    something that drops or is used for dropping.
    a group of persons dropped by parachute, as the personnel dropped by parachute during one military action.
    Theater .
    drop curtain.
    drop scene.
    trap door.
    a gallows.
    a slit or opening into which something can be dropped, as in a mailbox.
    (in a casino) the income from the sale of chips.
    a small flag, usually of enameled metal, that gives a visual signal in an annunciator.
    Furniture . an applied ornament resembling a pendant.
    Architecture . gutta ( def. 2 ) .
    Nautical . the vertical dimension amidships of any sail that is bent to a standing yard. Compare hoist ( def. 6a ) .
    Also called drop panel. (in reinforced-concrete-slab construction) a thickened portion of the ceiling around a column head.
    Horology . the free motion of an escape wheel between successive checks by the pallet.
    the newborn young of an animal.

    Verb (used without object)

    to fall in globules or small portions, as water or other liquid
    Rain drops from the clouds.
    to fall vertically; have an abrupt descent.
    to sink or fall to the ground, floor, or bottom as if inanimate.
    to fall lower in condition, degree, value, etc.; diminish or lessen; sink
    The prices dropped sharply.
    to come to an end; cease; lapse
    There the matter dropped.
    to fall or move to a position that is lower, farther back, inferior, etc.
    to drop back in line; to drop to the rear.
    to withdraw; quit (often fol. by out or from )
    to drop out of a race; to drop from a game.
    to pass or enter without effort into some condition, activity, or the like
    to drop into sleep; to drop into a habit.
    to make an unexpected or unannounced stop at a place; pay an informal visit or call (usually fol. by in, by, or over )
    Since we're in the neighborhood, why don't we drop in at my brother's?
    to cease to appear or be seen; vanish
    to drop from sight or notice.
    to fall wounded, dead, etc.
    A thousand men dropped in the battle.
    to squat or crouch, as a dog at the sight of game.
    to move gently, as with the tide or a light wind (usually fol. by down ).
    Slang . to ingest an illicit drug orally; swallow.

    Verb (used with object)

    to let fall in drops or small portions
    to drop lemon juice into tea.
    to let or cause to fall.
    to cause or allow to sink to a lower position.
    to cause to decrease in value, amount, quality, etc.; reduce.
    to utter or express casually or incidentally
    to drop a hint.
    to write and send
    Drop me a note.
    to bring to the ground by a blow or shot.
    to set down or unload, as from a ship, car, etc. (often fol. by off )
    Drop me at the corner.
    to omit (a letter or syllable) in pronunciation or writing
    He dropped his h's.
    to lower (the voice) in pitch or loudness.
    to cease to keep up or have to do with
    I dropped the subject. Will you drop your old friends if you win the lottery?
    to cease to employ, admit as a member, or include, as on a list; dismiss
    to drop an accountant from the payroll; to drop three members of the club who have not paid their dues.
    to withdraw or cease to pursue
    The police dropped the charges against the suspect.
    Sports .
    to throw, shoot, hit, kick, or roll (a ball, puck, etc.) through or into a basket, hole, or other goal
    He dropped the ball through the basket for two points.
    to lose (a game or contest)
    They dropped two games in a row and were eliminated from the tournament.
    Football .
    to drop-kick (a ball).
    to score with a drop kick.
    (of animals) to give birth to
    The cat dropped a litter of six kittens.
    to parachute (persons, supplies, etc.)
    The Marines dropped 300 combat troops into the jungle battlefield.
    to lengthen by lowering or letting out
    to drop the hem of a skirt.
    to lower (the wheels) into position for landing an airplane.
    Slang . to take (esp. an illicit drug) by swallowing; ingest
    to drop LSD.
    Nautical . to pass out of sight of; outdistance.
    Cookery . to poach (an egg). ?

    Verb phrases

    drop behind, to fall short of the required pace or progress
    Her long illness caused her to drop behind the rest of the class.
    drop off,
    to fall asleep.
    to decrease; decline
    Sales have dropped off drastically.
    drop out,
    to withdraw from being a member or participant
    to drop out of a club; to drop out of society and become a wanderer.
    to stop attending school or college. ?


    at the drop of a hat
    at the slightest provocation or without delay
    He's ready to fight at the drop of a hat.
    drop dead, (used as an expression of contempt, disgust, impatience
    If that's the way you feel about it, drop dead!
    drop in the bucket. bucket ( def. 13 ) .
    get or have the drop on
    to aim and be ready to shoot a gun at an antagonist before the other person's gun can be drawn.
    to get or have at a disadvantage.


    begin , carry out , engage , join

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