• Broach

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    Machinery . an elongated, tapered, serrated cutting tool for shaping and enlarging holes.
    a spit for roasting meat.
    a gimlet for tapping casks.
    (in a lock) a pin receiving the barrel of a key.
    Also, broach spire. Architecture . an octagonal spire rising directly from a tower without any intervening feature.
    Masonry . a pointed tool for the rough dressing of stone.

    Verb (used with object)

    to enlarge and finish with a broach.
    to mention or suggest for the first time
    to broach a subject.
    to draw (beer, liquor, etc.), as by tapping
    to broach beer from a keg.
    to tap or pierce.
    Masonry . to shape or dress (a block of stone).

    Verb (used without object)

    Nautical . (of a sailing vessel) to veer to windward.
    to break the surface of water; rise from the sea, as a fish or a submarine.


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