Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used without object)
Verb (used with object)
- alpha * , birth , bow , commencement , countdown , dawn , dawning , day one , derivation , embarkation , exit , first step , flying start * , foundation , inauguration , inception , initiation , jump-off , kickoff * , leaving , onset , opening , origin , outset , running start , setting out , source , spring , square one * , start-off , takeoff , allowance , backing , break , bulge , chance , draw , edge , handicap , head start , helping hand , introduction , lead , odds , opportunity , sponsorship , vantage , convulsion , jar , jump , scare , shock , spasm , turn , twitch , incipience , incipiency , launch , leadoff , origination , beginning , genesis , nascence , nascency , bolt , startle
- activate , appear , arise , arouse , come into being , commence , create , depart , embark , engender , enter upon , establish , found , get going , get under way , go ahead , hit the road * , inaugurate , incite , initiate , instigate , institute , introduce , issue , launch , lay foundation , leave , light , make a beginning , open , originate , pioneer , rise , rouse , sally forth , see light , set in motion , set out , set up , spring , take first step , take the plunge , turn on , blanch , blench , bolt , bounce , bound , buck , dart , draw back , jerk , jump , jump the gun * , leap , quail , recoil , shrink , shy , squinch , startle , twitch , wince , approach , begin , enter , get off , lead off , set about , set to , take on , take up , undertake , constitute , organize , cringe , advantage , beginning , birth , broach , cause , dawn , flinch , form , generate , genesis , go , head , ignite , inception , infancy , jump-start , kickoff , lead , onset , opening , opportunity , outset , provoke , pulse , retreat , root , rush , seed , source , turn
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