Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
the course to be followed by an aircraft in approaching for a landing or in joining a traffic pattern
- access , accession , advance , advent , avenue , coming , drawing near , entrance , gate , landing , nearing , passage , path , reaching , road , way , appeal , application , offer , overture , proposal , proposition , attitude , concept , course , crack , fling , go * , idea , lick , manner , means , method , mode , modus operandi , new wrinkle , procedure , program , shot , stab , style , technique , whack * , wrinkle * , convergence , imminence , nearness , attack , line , plan , tack
- advance , approximate , bear , be comparable to , be like , belly up to , border , buzz * , catch up , close in , come , come at , come close , compare with , contact , converge , correspond to , creep up , draw near , equal , gain on , go toward , impend , loom up , match , meet , move in on , move toward , near , progress , reach , resemble , surround , take after , threaten , verge upon , accost , address , advise , appeal to , apply to , beseech , confer , consult , entreat , feel , feel one out , give a play , give a tumble , greet , implore , make advance , make overture , make up to , plead , propose , sound out , speak to , supplicate , take aside , talk to , thumb , tumble , commence , embark , set about , start , undertake , border on , challenge , verge on , appeal , apply , petition , begin , enter , get off , inaugurate , initiate , institute , launch , lead off , open , set out , set to , take on , take up , access , adit , avenue , gate , landing , loom , onset , overture , passage , procedure , way
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