Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
outward appearance
- These are just old problems with new faces. The future presented a fair face to the fortunate youth.
outward show or pretense, esp. as a means of preserving one's dignity or of concealing a detrimental fact, condition, etc.
Also called working face. Mining . the front or end of a drift or excavation, where the material is being or was last mined.
Printing .
- the working surface of a type, of a plate, etc.
- Also called typeface, typestyle. any design of type, including a full range of characters, as letters, numbers, and marks of punctuation, in all sizes
- Caslon is one of the most popular faces.
- Also called typeface, typestyle. the general style or appearance of type
- broad or narrow face.
Verb (used with object)
Verb (used without object)
face to face
- facing or opposite one another
- We sat face to face at the table.
- in an open, personal meeting or confrontation
- The leaders spoke face to face about a reduction in nuclear arms.
get out of someone's face (usually used imperatively)
- Southern U.S. go away!; leave.
- Slang . to stop bothering or annoying someone.
in the face of
- in spite of; notwithstanding
- She persevered in the face of many obstacles.
- when confronted with
- They were steadfast in the face of disaster.
make a face, to grimace
- as in distaste or contempt; contort one's face in order to convey a feeling or to amuse another
- She made a face when she was told the work wasn't finished. The children made me laugh by making faces.
on the face of it
- to outward appearances; superficially; seemingly
- On the face of it, there was no hope for a comeback.
put on a bold face
- to give the appearance of confidence or assurance
- Everyone knew that he had been fired, even though he put on a bold face. Also, put a bold face on.
- air , appearance , aspect , cast , clock , countenance , dial * , disguise , display , facet , features , finish , frontage , frontal , frontispiece , frown , glower , grimace , guise , kisser , light * , lineaments , look , makeup , map * , mask , mug * , obverse , paint * , physiognomy , pout , presentation , profile , scowl , seeming , semblance , show , showing , silhouette , simulacrum , smirk , surface , top , visage , audacity , boldness , brass * , cheek * , chutzpah * , cloak , confidence , cover , effrontery , facade , false front * , front , gall , impertinence , impudence , presumption , veil , dignity , honor , image , prestige , reputation , self-respect , social position , standing , feature , muzzle , moue , mouth , status , assumption , audaciousness , brashness , brazenness , cheek , cheekiness , chutzpah , discourtesy , disrespect , familiarity , forwardness , impudency , incivility , insolence , nerve , nerviness , overconfidence , pertness , presumptuousness , pushiness , rudeness , sassiness , sauciness , color , coloring , disguisement , false colors , gloss , masquerade , pretense , pretext , veneer , window-dressing , dial
- abide , accost , affront , allow , bear , beard , be confronted by , bit the bullet , brace , brave , brook , challenge , confront , contend , cope with , countenance , court , cross , dare , deal with , defy , encounter , endure , experience , eyeball , fight , fly in face of , go up against , grapple with , make a stand , meet , oppose , resist , risk , run into , square off , stand , stomach * , submit , suffer , sustain , swallow * , take , take it , take on , take the bull by the horns , tell off * , tolerate , venture , withstand , be turned toward , border , front , front onto , gaze , glare , overlook , stare , watch , clad , coat , cover , decorate , dress , finish , level , line , overlay , plaster , polish , redecorate , refinish , remodel , sheathe , shingle , side , skin , smooth , surface , veneer , look
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