Often, cramps.
- a sudden, involuntary, spasmodic contraction of a muscle or group of muscles, esp. of the extremities, sometimes with severe pain.
- a piercing pain in the abdomen.
- an intermittent, painful contraction of structures of a wall containing involuntary muscle, as in biliary colic or in the uterine contractions of menstruation or of labor.
- ache , charley horse , circumscription , confinement , constipation , contraction , convulsion , crick , hindrance , impediment , kink , obstruction , pain , pang , restriction , shooting pain , stiffness , stitch , stricture , twinge , paroxysm , shoot , spasm , check , constraint , curb , inhibition , limit , limitation , restraint , trammel
- bottle up * , box up , check , circumscribe , clamp , clasp , clog , confine , constrain , coop up , encumber , fasten , grip , hamper , hamstring , handicap , impede , inhibit , limit , object , obstruct , restrict , shackle , stymie , thwart , constrict , ache , bar , compress , constraint , contraction , crick , crowd , frame , hinder , interfere , iron , kink , myalgia , pain , prevent , restrain , rigor , spasm , stiffness , stunt
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