Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a thing, person, or matter to which thought or action is directed
- an object of medical investigation.
a person or thing with reference to the impression made on the mind or the feeling or emotion elicited in an observer
Grammar . (in many languages, as English) a noun, noun phrase, or noun substitute representing by its syntactical position either the goal of the action of a verb or the goal of a preposition in a prepositional phrase, as ball in John hit the ball, Venice in He came to Venice, coin and her in He gave her a coin. Compare direct object , indirect object .
- article , body , bulk , commodity , doodad * , doohickey * , entity , fact , gadget , gizmo * , item , mass , matter , phenomenon , reality , something , substance , thingamajig * , volume , whatchamacallit , widget * , aim , design , duty , end , end in view , end purpose , function , goal , idea , intent , intention , mark , mission , motive , objective , point , reason , target , view , wish , butt * , focus , ground zero , receiver , victim , zero * , thing , being , existence , existent , individual , ambition , meaning , purpose , why , butt , destination , dissent , dissidence , exception , objection , protest , protestation , qualm , remonstrance , remonstration , scruple
- balk , be displeased , challenge , complain , crab , criticize , cross , demur , deprecate , disapprove , disavow , discommend , discountenance , disesteem , dispute , dissent , except , expostulate , frown , go-one-on-one , gripe , grouse , inveigh , kick * , make a stink , mix it up with , oppose , protest , rail , raise objection , rant , rave , remonstrate , sound off , spurn , squawk * , storm , take exception , take on , tangle * , mind , disfavor , frown on , aim , cavil , contravene , design , doodad , duty , end , essence , function , gadget , gainsay , goal , intent , item , mark , mission , motive , point , principle , purpose , quibble , reason , target , thing , thingamajig , victim
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