Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Mathematics .
- a number such that the value of a given function remains arbitrarily close to this number when the independent variable is sufficiently close to a specified point or is sufficiently large. The limit of 1/ x is zero as x approaches infinity; the limit of ( x ? 1) 2 is zero as x approaches 1.
- a number such that the absolute value of the difference between terms of a given sequence and the number approaches zero as the index of the terms increases to infinity.
- one of two numbers affixed to the integration symbol for a definite integral, indicating the interval or region over which the integration is taking place and substituted in a primitive, if one exists, to evaluate the integral.
- absolute , bitter end , border , bottom line * , bound , bourne , breaking point * , brim , brink , cap , ceiling , check , circumscription , conclusion , confinement , confines , curb , cutoff point , deadline , destination , edge , end , end point , extremity , far out , farthest point , farthest reach , fence , finality , goal , limitation , margin , maximum , obstruction , restraint , restriction , rim , termination , the max , the most , tops , ultimate , utmost , [[vergenotes:delimit means to draw the boundaries or limits of something; limit (noun) means the greatest possible degree of something or the point beyond which something cannot or may not proceed - limit (verb) means to restrict or confinelimit marks an end to something; limitation is the extent of one\'s capacity or a constraint that stops something]] , borderland , compass , extent , extreme , frontier , perimeter , periphery , precinct , [[purlieunotes:delimit means to draw the boundaries or limits of something; limit (noun) means the greatest possible degree of something or the point beyond which something cannot or may not proceed - limit (verb) means to restrict or confinelimit marks an end to something; limitation is the extent of one\'s capacity or a constraint that stops something]] , confine , constraint , cramp , inhibition , stricture , trammel , boundary , closure , cloture , curfew , delimitation , demarcation , finitude , horizons , parameters , proviso , purlieus , quota , ration , solstice , statute of limitations , stint , straightjacket , terminus , tether , threshold
- appoint , assign , bar , bottle up , bound , cap , check , circumscribe , constrict , contract , cork , cramp , curb , define , delimit , delimitate , demarcate , draw the line , fix , hem in , hinder , inhibit , keep the lid on , lessen , narrow , prescribe , ration , reduce , restrain , set , [[specifynotes:delimit means to draw the boundaries or limits of something; limit (noun) means the greatest possible degree of something or the point beyond which something cannot or may not proceed - limit (verb) means to restrict or confinelimit marks an end to something; limitation is the extent of one\'s capacity or a constraint that stops something]] , confine , restrict , mark , measure , absolute , ambit , barrier , border , boundary , brink , ceiling , chasten , closure , conclude , constrain , curfew , deadline , discriminate , edge , end , extent , extreme , extremity , fence , finish , goal , localize , maximum , mete , parameter , qualify , quota , regulate , stint , temper , term , ultimate , verge
Mathematics .
- a number such that the value of a given function remains arbitrarily close to this number when the independent variable is sufficiently close to a specified point or is sufficiently large. The limit of 1/ x is zero as x approaches infinity; the limit of ( x ? 1) 2 is zero as x approaches 1.
- a number such that the absolute value of the difference between terms of a given sequence and the number approaches zero as the index of the terms increases to infinity.
- one of two numbers affixed to the integration symbol for a definite integral, indicating the interval or region over which the integration is taking place and substituted in a primitive, if one exists, to evaluate the integral.
- absolute , bitter end , border , bottom line * , bound , bourne , breaking point * , brim , brink , cap , ceiling , check , circumscription , conclusion , confinement , confines , curb , cutoff point , deadline , destination , edge , end , end point , extremity , far out , farthest point , farthest reach , fence , finality , goal , limitation , margin , maximum , obstruction , restraint , restriction , rim , termination , the max , the most , tops , ultimate , utmost , [[vergenotes:delimit means to draw the boundaries or limits of something; limit (noun) means the greatest possible degree of something or the point beyond which something cannot or may not proceed - limit (verb) means to restrict or confinelimit marks an end to something; limitation is the extent of one\'s capacity or a constraint that stops something]] , borderland , compass , extent , extreme , frontier , perimeter , periphery , precinct , [[purlieunotes:delimit means to draw the boundaries or limits of something; limit (noun) means the greatest possible degree of something or the point beyond which something cannot or may not proceed - limit (verb) means to restrict or confinelimit marks an end to something; limitation is the extent of one\'s capacity or a constraint that stops something]] , confine , constraint , cramp , inhibition , stricture , trammel , boundary , closure , cloture , curfew , delimitation , demarcation , finitude , horizons , parameters , proviso , purlieus , quota , ration , solstice , statute of limitations , stint , straightjacket , terminus , tether , threshold
- appoint , assign , bar , bottle up , bound , cap , check , circumscribe , constrict , contract , cork , cramp , curb , define , delimit , delimitate , demarcate , draw the line , fix , hem in , hinder , inhibit , keep the lid on , lessen , narrow , prescribe , ration , reduce , restrain , set , [[specifynotes:delimit means to draw the boundaries or limits of something; limit (noun) means the greatest possible degree of something or the point beyond which something cannot or may not proceed - limit (verb) means to restrict or confinelimit marks an end to something; limitation is the extent of one\'s capacity or a constraint that stops something]] , confine , restrict , mark , measure , absolute , ambit , barrier , border , boundary , brink , ceiling , chasten , closure , conclude , constrain , curfew , deadline , discriminate , edge , end , extent , extreme , extremity , fence , finish , goal , localize , maximum , mete , parameter , qualify , quota , regulate , stint , temper , term , ultimate , verge
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