Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
to mark (something) so as to indicate examination, correctness, preference, etc. (often fol. by off )
to send (baggage) on a passenger's ticket, usually on the same carrier used by the passenger, for pickup at the destination
Verb (used without object)
Also, British , cheque. Banking . a written order, usually on a standard printed form, directing a bank to pay money.
a ticket or token that when matched with a counterpart identifies an article left in the temporary custody of another, the purchaser of a ticket, a person who is to be served next, etc.
Also called check mark. a mark, often indicated by ( ), as on a list, to indicate that something has been considered, acted upon, or approved.
a control, test, or inspection that ascertains performance or prevents error
- They ran a check on the dependability of the automobile.
Verb phrases
check in, to register, as at a hotel; indicate one's arrival or presence at a place, function, etc., usually by signing an appropriate form
check out,
- to vacate and pay for one's quarters at a hotel.
- to verify or become verified; examine or investigate.
- to fulfill requirements, as by passing a test
- The engine checked out and we proceeded on our way.
- to itemize, total the cost of, and collect payment for (a purchase)
- The supermarket cashier was exhausted from checking out groceries all day long.
- to have the cost added up and pay for merchandise.
- to borrow (an item) by having it listed as one's temporary responsibility
- The adding machine was checked out in your name.
- Informal . to depart quickly or abruptly; leave in a hurry.
- Slang . to die.
- analysis , audit , checkup , control , inquiry , investigation , poll , rein , research , review , scrutiny , test , blow , constraint , curb , damper , disappointment , frustration , grunt , harness , holdup , impediment , inhibition , limitation , obstruction , rebuff , rejection , restrainer , reversal , reverse , setback , stoppage , trouble , cross , dot , line , mark , score , sign , stroke , tick , x * , checkerboard , patchwork , plaid , quilt , tartan , circumscription , cramp , limit , restraint , stricture , trammel , cessation , cut-off , discontinuance , discontinuation , halt , stay , surcease , inspection , perusal , study , view , bill , invoice , reckoning , statement
- analyze , ascertain , audit , balance account , candle , case , compare , confirm , correct , count , enquire about , eyeball , find out , frisk , go through , investigate , keep account , look at , look over , look see , make sure , monitor , note , overlook , probe , prove , quiz , review , scout out , scrutinize , study , take stock , tell , test , try , verify , arrest , baffle , bar , bit , bottleneck * , bridle , checkmate , choke , circumvent , constrain , control , counteract , curb , cut short , delay , discourage , foil , frustrate , halt , harness , hold , hold back , hold down , hold in , impede , inhibit , interrupt , keep back , limit , moderate , neutralize , nip in the bud * , obstruct , obviate , pause , play for time , preclude , prevent , rebuff , reduce , rein in , repress , repulse , retard , slacken pace , slow down , snub , squelch , stay , stop , suppress , tame , terminate , thwart , withhold , belay , cease , discontinue , stall , surcease , leave off , quit , brake , keep , pull in , rein , balk , defeat , stymie , assay , essay , examine , try out , con , go over , inspect , peruse , survey , traverse , view , accord , chime , comport with , conform , consist , correspond , fit , harmonize , match , square , tally
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