Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- arrest , bind , bottle up , box up , bridle , chain , check , choke back , circumscribe , confine , constrain , contain , control , cool * , cork * , crack down , curb , curtail , debar , delimit , detain , deter , direct , fetter , gag , govern , guide , hamper , handicap , harness , hem in , hinder , hogtie * , hold , impound , imprison , inhibit , jail , keep , keep down , keep in line , kill * , limit , lock up , manacle , muzzle , pinion , prevent , proscribe , pull back , repress , restrict , sit on , stay , subdue , suppress , tie down , tie upnotes:refrain means to choose not to do something or partake of something; restrain means to immobilize by force or to forbid an action , bit , brake , hold back , hold down , hold in , keep back , pull in , rein , abridge , abstain , bar , bate , clog , coarct , command , cool , cramp , dam , estop , forbear , halter , impede , interdict , leash , narrow , prohibit , regulate , rule , shackle , stem , stop , tether , trammel , withhold
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