Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
the ascription or acknowledgment of something as due or properly attributable to a person, institution, etc.
confidence in a purchaser's ability and intention to pay, displayed by entrusting the buyer with goods or services without immediate payment.
a sum of money due to a person; anything valuable standing on the credit side of an account
- He has an outstanding credit of
Education .
- official acceptance and recording of the work completed by a student in a particular course of study.
- a credit hour.
- disacknowledgement , disapproval , disbelief , disclaimer , discredit , dishonor , disregard , disrespect , ill repute , cash , unbelief
- acclaim , acknowledgment , approval , attention , belief , brownie points * , commendation , confidence , credence , distinction , faith , fame , glory , honor , kudos * , merit , notice , pat on the back , points , praise , reliance , strokes , thanks , tribute , authority , character , clout , esteem , estimation , good name , influence , position , prestige , regard , renown , repute , standing , weight , balance , bond , capital outlay , continuance , debenture , extension , installment buying , installment plan , lien , loan , mortgage , on account , on the arm , on the cuff , plastic * , respite , securities , stock , surplus cash , tab , trust , wealth , ascription , assignment , imputation , attribution , creditability , recognition , tick
- accept , bank on , buy , consider , deem , fall for * , feel , hand it to one , have faith in , hold , pat on back , rely on , sense , swallow * , take as gospel truth , take stock in , think , trust , ascribe to , attribute to , chalk up to , charge to , defer , impute , lay , refer , accredit , ascribe , assign , charge , asset , attention , attribute , belief , believe , credence , distinction , esteem , estimation , faith , glory , honor , kudos , loan , merit , points , recognition , redound , thanks , weight
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