Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Commerce . to acknowledge, by signature, as calling for payment, and thus to agree to pay, as a draft.
(in a deliberative body) to receive as an adequate performance of the duty with which an officer or a committee has been charged; receive for further action
- acquire , gain , get , obtain , secure , take , welcomenotes:accept is \'take or agree to\' and except means \'exclude , leave out\' , admit , receive , acknowledge , affirm , approbate , approve , buy * , countenance , fancy , favor , go for * , hold , hold with , like , recognize , relish , swallow * , take as gospel truth , take stock in , trustnotes:accept is \'take or agree to\' and except means \'exclude , acquiesce , agree , assent , bear , bear with , bow , capitulate , defer to , don’t make waves , don’t rock the boat , endure , fit in , go along with , live with , play the game , respect , sit still for , stand , stand for , stomach , submit to , suffer , swallow , tolerate , yield tonotes:accept is \'take or agree to\' and except means \'exclude , accede , adopt , agree to , assume , avow , buy , check out * , comply , concur with , cooperate with , give stamp of approval , give the go-ahead , give the green light , give the nod , lap up , okay , rubber-stamp , set store by , sign , sign off on , take on * , take one up on , thumbs up * , undertakenotes:accept is \'take or agree to\' and except means \'exclude , embrace , welcome , have , take in , apprehend , catch , compass , comprehend , conceive , fathom , follow , grasp , make out , read , see , sense , abide , brook , go , support , sustain , withstand , consent , nod , subscribe , yes , abide by , accede to , acquiesce in , allow , believe , comply with , continue , espouse , honor , pass muster , ratify , reconcile , remain , reside , sojourn , submit , understand
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