Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Railroads . a curved section of track
- in the U.S. the curve is often expressed as the central angle, measured in degrees, of a curved section of track subtended by a chord 100 ft. (30 m) long (degree of curve).
Also called curve ball. Baseball .
- a pitch delivered with a spin that causes the ball to veer from a normal straight path, away from the side from which it was thrown.
- the course of such a pitched ball.
a graphic representation of the variations effected in something by the influence of changing conditions; graph.
Mathematics . a collection of points whose coordinates are continuous functions of a single independent variable.
- ambit , arc , arch , bend , bight , bow , camber , catenary , chord , circle , circuit , circumference , compass , concavity , contour , crook , curlicue , curvation , curvature , ellipse , festoon , flexure , hairpin , half-moon , helix , horseshoe , hyperbola , incurvation , incurvature , loop , meniscus , ogee , parabola , quirk , rondure , round , sinuosity , sweep , swerve , trajectory , turn , vault , whorl , arcuation , asymptote , circumflexion , convolution , cusp , perimeter , spinose
- arc , arch , bend , bow , buckle , bulge , coil , concave , convex , crook , crumple , curl , deviate , divert , gyrate , hook , incurve , inflect , loop , round , skew , snake , spiral , stoop , swerve , turn , twist , veer , wind , wreathe , angle , undulate , arcuate , bight , circuit , circumflex , contour , crump , curb , curvature , deflect , ellipse , ess , hairpin , osculate , parabola , sinus , sweep , swirl
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