• Curved

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a continuously bending line, without angles.
    the act or extent of curving.
    any curved outline, form, thing, or part.
    a curved section of a road, path, hallway, etc.
    Railroads . a curved section of track
    in the U.S. the curve is often expressed as the central angle, measured in degrees, of a curved section of track subtended by a chord 100 ft. (30 m) long (degree of curve).
    Also called curve ball. Baseball .
    a pitch delivered with a spin that causes the ball to veer from a normal straight path, away from the side from which it was thrown.
    the course of such a pitched ball.
    a graphic representation of the variations effected in something by the influence of changing conditions; graph.
    Mathematics . a collection of points whose coordinates are continuous functions of a single independent variable.
    a misleading or deceptive trick; cheat; deception.
    Education . a grading system based on the scale of performance of a group, so that those performing better, regardless of their actual knowledge of the subject, receive high grades
    The new English professor marks on a curve. Compare absolute def. 10
    a curved guide used in drafting.

    Verb (used with object)

    to bend in a curve; cause to take the course of a curve.
    to grade on a curve.
    Baseball . to pitch a curve to.

    Verb (used without object)

    to bend in a curve; take the course of a curve.


    curved. ?


    ahead of (or behind ) the curve, at the forefront of (or lagging behind) recent developments, trends
    throw (someone) a curve
    to take (someone) by surprise, esp. in a negative way.
    to mislead or deceive.



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