Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
to change the appearance or guise of so as to conceal identity or mislead, as by means of deceptive garb
to conceal or cover up the truth or actual character of by a counterfeit form or appearance; misrepresent
- to disguise one's intentions.
- beard , blind , camouflage , charade , cloak , color , coloring , concealment , costume , counterfeit , cover-up , dissimulation , dress , facade , face , faking , false front * , fig leaf , front * , get-up , guise , illusion , make-believe , mask , masquerade , pageant , pen name , pretense , pretension , pretentiousness , pseudonym , put-on , red herring * , screen , semblance , smoke screen * , trickery , veil , veneer , cover , disguisement , false colors , front , gloss , pretext , show , window-dressing , acting , dissemblance , sham , simulation
- affect , age , alter , antique , assume , beard , belie , camouflage , change , cloak , color , conceal , counterfeit , cover , cover up , deceive , dissemble , dissimulate , doctor up , dress up , fake , falsify , feign , front , fudge * , garble , gloss over , hide , make like , make up , masquerade , muffle , obfuscate , obscure , pretend , put on a false front , put on a front , put on an act * , put up a front , redo , screen , secrete , sham , shroud , simulate , touch up , varnish , veil , wear cheaters , whitewash * , mask , artifice , charade , facade , impersonate , incognito , pretense , veneer , whitewash
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