Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Law . to examine and determine judicially, as a cause; determine judicially the guilt or innocence of (a person).
- all one’s got , best shot * , bid , crack * , dab , effort , endeavor , essay , fling * , go * , jab * , pop * , shot * , slap * , stab * , striving , struggle , trial , undertaking , whack * , whirl *notes:an endeavor is a purposeful or industrious undertaking that requires effort; try is an attempt or effort , crack , go , offer , stab , attempt , experiment. trial , foray
- aim , aspire , attack , bear down , chip away at , compete , contend , contest , do one’s best , drive for , endeavor , essay , exert oneself , go after , go all out , go for , have a crack , have a go , have a shot , have a stab , have a whack , knock oneself out , labor , lift a finger , make a bid , make an attempt , make an effort , make a pass at , propose , put oneself out , risk , seek , shoot for , speculate , strive , struggle , tackle , undertake , venture , vie for , work , wranglenotes:an endeavor is a purposeful or industrious undertaking that requires effort; try is an attempt or effort , appraise , assay , check , check out , evaluate , examine , inspect , investigate , judge , prove , put to the proof , put to the test , sample , scrutinize , taste , try out , weighnotes:an endeavor is a purposeful or industrious undertaking that requires effort; try is an attempt or effort , agonize , annoy , crucify , distress , excruciate , harass , inconvenience , irk , irritate , martyr , pain , plague , rack , strain , stress , tax , tire , torment , torture , trouble , upset , vex , weary , wringnotes:an endeavor is a purposeful or industrious undertaking that requires effort; try is an attempt or effort , adjudge , adjudicate , arbitrate , decide , give a hearing , hear , referee , sit in judgmentnotes:an endeavor is a purposeful or industrious undertaking that requires effort; try is an attempt or effort , afflict , attempt , audition , bother , crack , effort , experiment , fling , opportunity , partake , purify , refine , render , screen , stab , subject , test , trial , turn , vie , whack , whirl
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