Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
beyond question
- beyond dispute; without doubt
- It was, beyond question, a magnificent performance. Also, beyond all question.
- catechism , examination , inquest , inquiring , inquiry , inquisition , interrogation , interrogatory , investigation , poll , q and a , query , questioning , third degree , wringernotes:a query differs from a question in that it suggests a reservation or disagreementquestion means to challenge the accuracy , probity , or propriety of; interrogate means to examine closely , aggressively , or formally by posing a series of questions to , argument , challenge , confusion , contention , debate , demur , demurral , difficulty , dispute , dubiety , enigma , misgiving , mystery , objection , problem , protest , puzzle , remonstrance , remonstration , uncertaintynotes:a query differs from a question in that it suggests a reservation or disagreementquestion means to challenge the accuracy , discussion , motion , point , proposal , proposition , subject , theme , topicnotes:a query differs from a question in that it suggests a reservation or disagreementquestion means to challenge the accuracy , hornets\' nest , issue , doubtfulness , dubiousness , incertitude , mistrust , skepticism , suspicion , uncertainty , wonder , ambiguity , barrage , catechesis , catechization , cavil , dialectics , disquisition , dubiosity , equivocality , equivocation , gainsaying , impugnment , interpellation , quiz , quizzing , rhetorical question , scruple , topic
- ask about , catechize , challenge , cross-examine , enquire , examine , give the third degree , go over , grill , hit * , hit up , hold out for , inquire , interrogate , interview , investigate , knock * , make inquiry , petition , pick one’s brains , probe , pry , pump , put through the wringer , put to the question , query , quest , quiz , raise question , roast * , search , seek , show curiosity , solicit , sound out , sweat it out of , work overnotes:a query differs from a question in that it suggests a reservation or disagreementquestion means to challenge the accuracy , probity , or propriety of; interrogate means to examine closely , aggressively , or formally by posing a series of questions to , call into question , cast doubt upon , controvert , disbelieve , dispute , distrust , hesitate , impeach , impugn , mistrust , oppose , puzzle over , suspect , suspicion , wonder aboutnotes:a query differs from a question in that it suggests a reservation or disagreementquestion means to challenge the accuracy , misdoubt , wonder , ask , catechise , debate , debrief , demand , demur , doubt , drill , examination , heckle , inquire of , inquiry , interpellate , interrogation , investigation , mystery , objection , poll , pose , problem , proposition , scruple
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