• Verb (used with object)

    to get, pull, or draw out, usually with special effort, skill, or force
    to extract a tooth.
    to deduce (a doctrine, principle, interpretation, etc.)
    He extracted a completely personal meaning from what was said.
    to derive or obtain (pleasure, comfort, etc.) from a particular source
    He extracted satisfaction from the success of his sons.
    to take or copy out (matter), as from a book.
    to make excerpts from (a book, pamphlet, etc.).
    to extort (information, money, etc.)
    to extract a secret from someone.
    to separate or obtain (a juice, ingredient, etc.) from a mixture by pressure, distillation, treatment with solvents, or the like.
    Mathematics .
    to determine (the root of a quantity that has a single root).
    to determine (a root of a quantity that has multiple roots).


    something extracted.
    a passage taken from a book, article, etc.; excerpt; quotation.
    a solution or preparation containing the active principles of a drug, plant juice, or the like; concentrated solution
    vanilla extract.
    a solid, viscid, or liquid substance extracted from a plant, drug, or the like, containing its essence in concentrated form
    beef extract.


    add , insert , put in , edit in

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