• Feather

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    one of the horny structures forming the principal covering of birds, consisting typically of a hard, tubular portion attached to the body and tapering into a thinner, stemlike portion bearing a series of slender, barbed processes that interlock to form a flat structure on each side.
    kind; character; nature
    two boys of the same feather.
    something like a feather, as a tuft or fringe of hair.
    something very light, small, or trivial
    Your worry is a mere feather.
    Archery . one of the vanes at the tail of an arrow or dart.
    Carpentry . a spline for joining the grooved edges of two boards.
    Masonry . See under plug and feathers .
    a featherlike flaw, esp. in a precious stone.
    Machinery . feather key.
    Archaic . attire.
    Obsolete . plumage.

    Verb (used with object)

    to provide with feathers, as an arrow.
    to clothe or cover with or as with feathers.
    Rowing . to turn (an oar) after a stroke so that the blade becomes nearly horizontal, and hold it thus as it is moved back into position for the next stroke.
    Aeronautics .
    to change the blade angle of (a propeller) so that the chords of the blades are approximately parallel to the line of flight.
    to turn off (an engine) while in flight.

    Verb (used without object)

    to grow feathers.
    to be or become feathery in appearance.
    to move like feathers.
    Rowing . to feather an oar. ?

    Verb phrase

    feather into, South Midland U.S. to attack (a person, task, or problem) vigorously. ?


    a feather in one's cap
    a praiseworthy accomplishment; distinction; honor
    Being chosen class president is a feather in her cap.
    birds of a feather. bird ( def. 15 ) .
    feather one's nest
    to take advantage of the opportunities to enrich oneself
    The mayor had used his term of office to feather his nest.
    in fine or high feather, in good form, humor
    or health
    feeling in fine feather.
    ruffle someone's feathers, to anger, upset
    or annoy (another person).
    smooth one's ruffled or rumpled feathers
    to regain one's composure; become calm
    After the argument, we each retired to our own rooms to smooth our ruffled feathers.

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