Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- abyss , arroyo , canyon , chasm , cleft , clough , clove , crevasse , fissure , flume , gap , glen , gulch , pass , ravinenotes:a canyon is a narrow chasm with steep cliff walls formed by running water; a gorge is a deep narrow passage with steep rocky sides formed by running water; a ravine is a deep narrow steep-sided valley formed by running water
- blimp out , bolt * , cloy , congest , cram , devour , eat like a horse , feed , fill , glut , gobble , gormandize , gulp , guzzle , hoover , jade , jam , make a pig of , overeat , overindulge , pack , sate , satiate , stuff * , surfeit , swallow , wolf *notes:a canyon is a narrow chasm with steep cliff walls formed by running water; a gorge is a deep narrow passage with steep rocky sides formed by running water; a ravine is a deep narrow steep-sided valley formed by running water , engorge , pall , bolt , canyon , chasm , eat greedily , ravine , stuff
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