Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- bustle , celerity , commotion , dash , dispatch , drive , expedition , expeditiousness , flurry , haste , precipitance , precipitateness , precipitation , promptitude , push , quickness , rush , rustle , scurry , speediness , swiftness , urgency , fleetness , hustle , rapidity , rapidness , speed
- accelerate , barrel , beeline * , be quick , bestir , breeze , bullet , burst , bustle , dash , dig in , drive , expedite , fleet , flit , fly , get a move on , goad , go like lightning , haste , hasten , hurry up , hustle , jog , lose no time , make haste , make short work of , make time , make tracks , nip , push , quicken , race , rip , rocket , roll , run , rush , sally , scoot , scurry , shake a leg , smoke , speed , speed up , spur , step on gas , step on it , turn on steam , urge , whirl , whish , whisk , whiz , zip , bolt , bucket , dart , festinate , flash , pelt , sail , scour , shoot , sprint , tear , trot , wing , zoom , step up , ado , beeline , chivy , decamp , dispatch , harass , hie , highball , hightail , impel , motion , nag , pass , posthaste , precipitate , skedaddle , tumult , urgency , vamoose , whir
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