• Stall

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a compartment in a stable or shed for the accommodation of one animal.
    a stable or shed for horses or cattle.
    a booth or stand in which merchandise is displayed for sale, or in which some business is carried on (sometimes used in combination)
    a butcher's stall; a bookstall.
    carrel ( def. 1 ) .
    one of a number of fixed enclosed seats in the choir or chancel of a church for the use of the clergy.
    a pew.
    any small compartment or booth for a specific activity or housing a specific thing
    a shower stall.
    a rectangular space marked off or reserved for parking a car or other vehicle, as in a parking lot.
    an instance or the condition of causing an engine, or a vehicle powered by an engine, to stop, esp. by supplying it with a poor fuel mixture or by overloading it.
    Aeronautics . an instance or the condition of causing an airplane to fly at an angle of attack greater than the angle of maximum lift, causing loss of control and a downward spin. Compare critical angle ( def. 2 ) .
    a protective covering for a finger or toe, as various guards and sheaths or one finger of a glove.
    British . a chairlike seat in a theater, separated from others by arms or rails, esp. one in the front section of the parquet.

    Verb (used with object)

    to assign to, put, or keep in a stall or stalls, as an animal or a car.
    to confine in a stall for fattening, as cattle.
    to cause (a motor or the vehicle it powers) to stop, esp. by supplying it with a poor fuel mixture or overloading it.
    Aeronautics .
    to put (an airplane) into a stall.
    to lose control of or crash (an airplane) from so doing.
    to bring to a standstill; check the progress or motion of, esp. unintentionally.
    to cause to stick fast, as in mire or snow.

    Verb (used without object)

    (of an engine, car, airplane, etc.) to be stalled or go through the process of stalling (sometimes fol. by out ).
    to come to a standstill; be brought to a stop.
    to stick fast, as in mire.
    to occupy a stall, as an animal.


    advance , allow , further , help

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