• Trot

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used without object)

    (of a horse) to go at a gait between a walk and a run, in which the legs move in diagonal pairs, but not quite simultaneously, so that when the movement is slow one foot at least is always on the ground, and when fast all four feet are momentarily off the ground at once.
    to go at a quick, steady pace; move briskly; bustle; hurry.

    Verb (used with object)

    to cause to trot.
    to ride (a horse) at a trot.
    to lead at a trot.
    to travel over by trotting
    to spend the day trotting the country byways.
    to execute by trotting.


    the gait of a horse, dog, or other quadruped, when trotting.
    the sound made by an animal when trotting.
    the jogging gait of a human being, between a walk and a run.
    Harness Racing . a race for trotters.
    brisk, continuous movement or activity
    I've been on the trot all afternoon.
    Disparaging . an old woman.
    Slang . a literal translation used illicitly in doing schoolwork; crib; pony.
    the trots, Informal . diarrhea.
    Informal . a toddling child. ?

    Verb phrase

    trot out, Informal .
    to bring forward for inspection.
    to bring to the attention of; introduce; submit
    He trots out his old jokes at every party.


    jog , lope , beldam , crone , hag

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