Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Military . an aggregation of vehicles, animals, and personnel accompanying an army to carry supplies, baggage, ammunition, etc.
Machinery . a connected set of three or more rotating elements, usually gears, through which force is transmitted, or motion or torque changed.
the series of results or circumstances following or proceeding from an event, action, etc.; aftermath
Verb (used with object)
to develop or form the habits, thoughts, or behavior of (a child or other person) by discipline and instruction
Verb (used without object)
- alternation , appendage , caravan , chain , column , concatenation , consecution , convoy , cortege , course , court , entourage , file , following , gradation , line , order , procession , progression , retinue , row , run , scale , sequel , sequence , set , string , succession , suite , tail , thread , tier , track , trail , wake , round
- accustom , brainwash * , break in , care for , coach , cultivate , develop , discipline , drill , drum into , dry run * , educate , enlighten , equip , exercise , get a workout , get in shape , ground , grow strong , guide , habituate , harden , hone , improve , instruct , inure , make ready , mold , prime , qualify , rear , rehearse , run through , school , season , shape , sharpen , show the ropes , study , tame , teach , tutor , update , warm up , whip into shape , wise up , work out , beam , bring to bear , cast , cock , direct , draw a bead , focus , get in one’s sights , head , incline , lay , level , line up , point , slant , turn , zero in * , practice , set , zero in , drag , draggle
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