Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
to arouse the curiosity or interest of by unusual, new, or otherwise fascinating or compelling qualities; appeal strongly to; captivate
- artifice , cabal , chicanery , collusion , complication , conspiracy , contrivance , deal , design , dodge , double-dealing * , fix , frame-up , fraud , game , graft , hookup , little game , machination , maneuver , manipulation , plan , plot , ruse , stratagem , trickery , wile , affair , amour , attachment , case , flirtation , infatuation , interlude , intimacy , liaison , romance , connivance , scheme , amour (illicitlove affair) , coup , subtlety
- appeal , attract , bait , captivate , charm , con , delight , draw , enchant , entertain , excite , fascinate , grab , hook , interest , lead on , mousetrap , pique , please , pull , rivet , tickle , titillate , tout , angle , be in cahoots , cogitate , collude , connive , conspire , contrive , cook up * , devise , finagle , frame up , machinate , maneuver , operate , plan , promote , scheme , set up * , work hand in glove , absorb , affair , allure , amour , artifice , cabal , conspiracy , design , liaison , machination , plot , puzzle , romance
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