Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- blue * , dejected , despondent , destroyed , disconsolate , dismal , dispirited , doleful , dolorous , down * , down and out , downbeat , downcast , downhearted , down in the dumps , down in the mouth * , dragged , droopy , funereal , gloomy , glum , grim , heavyhearted , in blue funk , joyless , lachrymose , low , low-spirited , lugubrious , mirthless , miserable , moody , moony , mournful , pensive , saddened , saddening , somber , sorrowful , sorry * , torn up , trite , unhappy , wet blanket * , wistful , woebegone , woeful , blue , desolate , down , dull , dysphoric , heavy-hearted , melancholic , sad , spiritless , tristful , cheerless , depressing , dispiriting , atrabiliar , atrabilious , depressed , hypochondriac , hypochondriacal
- blahs , blue devils , blue funk , blues * , boredom , bummer * , dejection , despair , desperation , despondency , dismals , dolefuls , dolor , downer * , down trip , dumps , ennui , funk , gloom , gloominess , grief , letdown , low spirits , miserableness , misery , mopes , mournfulness , pensiveness , sorrow , tedium , unhappiness , wistfulness , woe , wretchedness , blues , depression , despondence , doldrums , dolefulness , downheartedness , dysphoria , glumness , heavy-heartedness , mope , sadness , atrabilious , blue , cheerless , depressing , desolation , despondent , disconsolate , disconsolation , dismal , doleful , downcast , downhearted , dreary , dull , funereal , gloomy , glum , hypochondria , low , megrims , melancholia , melancholy , moody , pensive , plaintive , sad , sepulchral , somber , sorrowful , tristful , unhappy , woebegone , woeful
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