Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- bereaved , bitter , blue * , cheerless , dejected , despairing , despondent , disconsolate , dismal , distressed , doleful , down , downcast , down in dumps , down in mouth , forlorn , gloomy , glum , grief-stricken , grieved , heartbroken , heartsick , heavyhearted , hurting , in doldrums , in grief , in the dumps , languishing , low , low-spirited , lugubrious , melancholy , morbid , morose , mournful , out of sorts * , pensive , pessimistic , sick at heart , somber , sorrowful , sorry , troubled , weeping , wistful , woebegone , bad , calamitous , dark , dejecting , deplorable , depressing , disastrous , discomposing , discouraging , disheartening , dispiriting , dreary , funereal , grave , grievous , hapless , heart-rending , joyless , lachrymose , lamentable , melancholic , miserable , moving , oppressive , pathetic , pitiable , pitiful , poignant , regrettable , saddening , serious , shabby , tearful , tear-jerking , tragic , unhappy , unsatisfactory , upsetting , wretched , blue , desolate , dispirited , downhearted , dull , dysphoric , heavy-hearted , spiritless , tristful , dolorous , plaintive , rueful , woeful , (colloq.) bad , afflictive , atrabiliar , atrabilious , baleful , bleak , crestfallen , depressed , dire , distressing , dolorific , elegiac , inconsolable , lachrymal , lovelorn , mischievous , naughty , piteous , saturnine , sepulchral , sober , solemn , sombre , subdued , sullen , touching , troublesome , unfortunate , vexatious
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